Sunday, September 12, 2010


Tonight Mike decided that he wanted to make Chocolate Chip Cookies.  And after borrowing some chocolate chips from some wonderful neighbors...(thanks Keri!) we had all the ingredients.  Mike has been wanting to cook and bake recently.  He even wants to make bread! I really hope he sticks with it! Nothing sexier than a man in an apron! Right ladies!? Anyways, Hunter LOVED the cookies. But Ryker couldn't get enough! He was making all sorts of "yummy" sounds while he ate them.  Now....Ryker looks just like my dad. Not just a little...but A LOT!! And you can ask anyone in my family and they would tell you that my dad eats chocolate chip cookies all the time. They are his favorite.  And these pictures I took of Ryker look just like my dad! Enjoy!
This is Hunter after eating the cookies!!!


So.....if you know me at all, then you know that I have a "little" OCD.  I like things clean and in their place.  Some people say that I'm a clean freak....I like to say that I'm tidy.  Either way.....there has been one spot in my house that I can't clean. And it's been driving me completely crazy! Everyday I walk by knowing how dusty it is! So....I decided to put my 3 year old to work! Mike hoisted him up and gave him a broom.  He ended up finding 4 balls, 6 darts, and a puzzle piece. (don't ask me how that got up there!) Anyways, I am total happy that it's finally clean up there.  And Hunter had a total blast doing it.  He didn't want to come down.  I'm one happy mom!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vegas Baby!!!

So, I'm sure most of you already knew that I took a little trip to Vegas with my sister and mom. And all I have to say is this, "IT WAS AWESOME!!" I mean....don't get me wrong. We totally missed our kids! But it was so nice to lay by the pool and close our eyes. We didn't have to count heads to make sure all the kids were still around. We didn't have to change diapers or make sure we were back at the hotel for bed time. It was so nice to walk around the outlets without a stroller and diaper bags.  I had SO much fun with them!  I was kinda curious about how my mom would handle Holly and I. We tend to laugh about EVERYTHING! But she's just as weird as we are! Love you Mom!!
Anyways, here are some pictures and one hilarious video from the trip!
Holly and I drove to meet my mom in Vegas. When we left Utah it was about 95 outside. On the way we ran into a HUGE storm.  The rain was SO loud that we could hardly hear each other! We were the only ones with enough guts to keep driving. Everyone else pulled over to wait it out. It was SO funny! I know the video is bad. I have a crappy cell phone. Sorry!
We went and saw my sweet grandma Dolly in her "old people" home. She's so cute! We miss having her in Utah.