Well, my mom came up last Sunday to help me take care of the house and Hunter while I was recovering from surgery. She was AMAZING!!! She did everything. Laundry, dishes, diaper changing, dusting, and cleaning. She was also my personal nurse and assistant. When the Dr. forgot to give me my antibiotic....she was on the phone and had it taken care of. She would bring me a handful of pills every 4-6 hours and tell me swallow. Half the time I didn't even know what I was taking. But I was sure my mom did! Now all this stuff is fine and dandy...but what I'm about to tell you is even more amazing and wonderful.......
On Wed. morning we decided to pack Hunter in the car and go to Holly's house. But before we left my mom wanted to start a stew in the crock pot for dinner. While she was cutting and chopping she asked me if she could put carrot peelings down the disposal. I told her "sure".
So, naturally she did. About 20 minutes later we reali zed that the sink was full of water and not draining....hmmmm....maybe the blade isn't turning. So, my mom sticks her hand down there (ewww) and feels around. Nope.....it's working fine. We decide to head to Holly's house and hope that the problem will fix itself.
Well, when we got home the problem was still there. So what does my wonderful mom do? She gets under the sink and starts to take things apart. I couldn't believe it. She knew what she was doing...she even knew the correct vocab for the piping and stuff. We laughed so hard. Water was everywhere!! But when she pulled out the second pipe...what fell out???? CARROTS!!!
Overall, my mom spent about 2 hours fixing and cleaning up my kitchen. I'm sorry ladies.....but I have the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD!!!